Friday, January 1, 2021

Winter Right of Way


First, let me say Happy New Year to everyone. I hope it is a healthy year for everyone and that we are all on the road to getting back to normal with our lives & loved ones. 

I've been quite busy with painting lately, seems I'm constantly going to the next one right after the last! I discovered the joy of painting on panels now, instead of stretched canvas's. And this happened because, after our move, I had the dauntless task of finding a place for all the stretch canvas paintings I have! I'm not to the point of painting over any of them ... not yet. Once day I might but right now they sit & wait for their forever homes.

This particular painting depicts one of the right of ways we have at our lake. People here either live directly on the lake with their beaches in front of their homes - or they have lake access via right of ways. Non-lakefront home residents use these right of ways to gain access to their beaches. You can see different families walking on the right of ways during the summer months. Others will use golf carts or ATV's to travel back & forth. 

In the winter, these right of ways become paths to/from a frozen lake for the many snowmobilers in the area. Often a designated snowmobile trail with connect to a right of way - riders can access the trail system from the lake and then up through a right of way. This painting shows one such access route. 

Anyone else out there snowmobile? or cross-country ski? 

1 comment:

Helen said...

Looks like a dream.


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