Thursday, November 8, 2012

In Need of Repair

Acrylic on 9x12 canvas on Hardbord
Available through DPW gallery/auction

You may notice that I have a fondness for old barns, especially old, red, dilapidated barns. Such stories & history so many of them could tell, if they could speak. But their appearances do the speaking for them.

There are many farms in upstate NY that are working farms, with cattle, cows, fields planted, silos standing tall, and barns falling down. Even with 1/2 the barn gone, it is still being used! I remember one barn, I passed it so often & would hear a voice in my head say "I have to come here again with my camera." Well, I waited too long because I passed it recently and it's down - completely. It collapsed and there is no saving it.

Lesson learned - carry your camera at all times. And listen to that voice inside your head!

1 comment:

Autumn Leaves said...

I too love the old barns and it always makes me sad to see them. When they become as this one looks, it makes my heart hurt for the men/women who put their whole lives into their land, the hours and months of hard work it took to build those barns. It is as if no one cares any longer and the hard work was for nothing. We have many in these parts too.

I love the undulations you've caught in that roof. They really do look like that. It reminds me of the aged whose skin collapses against the bones.


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