Sunday, April 26, 2015

Bhutan Stream

"Bhutan Stream"
9x12 acrylic on canvas
Available through DPW gallery/auction

The location is this months VPO visit to Bhutan - a small country near India & Bangladesh. When I searched on the country's name for a bit of history I found it was listed as part of Pakistan, so I'm not really sure who owns this piece of land.

The area is mapped, but not wide range. There are some interesting things to see - particularly the prayer flags that seem to be abundant - but beyond them is a great deal of landscape & vegetation. I wanted to capture that - and I could never ignore a scene with water in it! Found this while crossing a bridge -- you can see the original link here. Of course I took liberties with the colors!

I haven't been posting new work of late, but I have been painting them. Since some are commissioned pieces being done for a specific gift, I can not post the photos of the work until the gifts have been given!


Autumn Leaves said...

I can easily see why this scene captured your eyes, Nancie. Your incarnation of this spot is really beautiful!

Nancy Goldman said...

This is really beautiful Nan.


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