Tuesday, June 24, 2014

On the Vine

"On the Vine"
9x12 acrylic on canvas on hardboard
Available through DPW gallery/auction

Nothing says "summer" than fresh, garden ripe tomatoes. Everyone I know has at least 1 tomato plant growing in their garden or in a container.

The first year I planted tomatoes, I planted about 8-10 plants. I was worried if some of them died, that I wouldn't have any tomatoes! Well, they all grew & flourished - and I had more tomatoes that year than I knew what to do with. Bottled, frozen, made sauce, made bruschetta, made salsa. And I gave plenty away also! I have learned to scale back my production! LOL

And, of course, the basil is not far away. Nothing better than to take a ripe tomato fresh from the vine, wrap it in a leaf or 2 of freshly picked basil, and just indulge the taste buds. Guaranteed to make you smile! 

Yep, nothing says summer better (except, maybe ice cream!)


Autumn Leaves said...

Gorgeous tomatoes indeed! I love them, especially on a burger or in a salad.

martinealison said...

Bonjour chère amie,

Un fabuleux plant de tomates...

♡ Gros bisous ♡


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