Thursday, February 28, 2013

Glen Foerd

Acrylic on 9x12 canvas panel
Available through DPW gallery/auction

The Glen Foerd is a riverfront estate on the Delaware, in Philadelphia. This painting was originally done some time ago (2008), but there were sections I wasn't happy with. Now I bring it back out onto the easel and rework a few areas, and it's a new painting only 5 years later! Well, it seems like a new painting!

The original photo was supplied by another artist for a challenge, I'm sorry to say I do not remember her name at the moment. Her original photo was a full landscape of the mansion, but I chose to change the view. I did leave the statue in that was at the front garden - it didn't seem right to remove it!

Beautiful, historic estate -- you can read about it here.


Autumn Leaves said...

I just love that purple flowering tree! Adds some much needed softness to this colonial style home.

martinealison said...

Une peinture pleine de lumière avec une touche printanière qui est loin de me déplaire... Bravo pour ce joli travail.
Je suis heureuse que vous ayez éprouvé du plaisir à reprendre cette peinture. Ce n'ai pas toujours facile de le faire et qu'est-ce qui déclenche ce besoin, resté latent ?... Souvent on ne peut pas justifier.
Gros bisous.

Nan Johnson said...

Thank you & Merci! I don't know what sparks renewed interest in an old painting, but it does happen. Sometimes I just look at it & say "I can do that better, or different, or remove it!" Makes me wonder if a painting is ever truly done.


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