Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Snowball Bush

Acrylic on 9x12 canvas sheet
Available through DPW gallery/auction

The snowball bush, as my grandparents called them -- oh I remember these big balls of color! My grandfather would pick them & bring them in the house, after shaking them to remove any insects that might go along for the ride. I always loved them, so big & full, and they had such a variety of colors. Some blue, some more red, and some were white. He would gather a variety and then let me carry the bouquet in to my grandmother, who would put them in a glass vase with water. Then, in the center of the table they would stand, and you couldn't help but notice them every time you walked past.

This painting was done some time ago, but I brought it back to the easel. Just a few highlights, a few shadows, and I altered the background to make it less pronounced.


Autumn Leaves said...

Nancy, I think it is beautiful indeed, your color choices exquisite. I wonder why I've never thought to shake a bloom to get all the bugs off of it. Hmmm...

I loved hearing your memories too.

Linda Nickles said...

You've captured gorgeous colors here -- just beautiful!

Nan Johnson said...

Thanks Sherry & Linda, appreciate your comments. These flowers always have a wonderful color palette to them.

Sandy Sandy Art said...

Nice one Nan. Hydrangeas have such variety and are so much fun to paint, especially this time of year when we are all craving more color! :-) Happy Spring!


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