"Green Pants" - Dublin, Ireland
9x12 acrylic on canvas
Available through DPW gallery/auction
So what happened? Life! Between my day job, my loss of my best buddy, some illnesses (thankfully nothing severe, but as I get older, these bugs tend to alarm me a bit. I don't spring back like I use to!). And I've been working on 2 commissions.
1 Commission is actually 2 large paintings for the same customer. They are done, but I do need to seal them (more than 1 coat) and wire them for hanging before I can deliver & call it finished. The other one is a single painting, a historical painting of an old diner that was recently torn down.
The thing with commissions is, I don't like to post progress photos anywhere on the internet until the buyer has seen & signed off on them. In fact, I prefer they were in their home first! I would hate for them to love it, then get swayed by a stranger's critique of something they are about to fully pay for!
And .... I feel terribly guilty working on anything other than these commissions, so I have nothing new to post!!!! Yikes!!! Even my DPW online presence has dwindled because I can only repost older pieces.
Sigh - I have no remedy except to get these commissions done & delivered. Then I can post them.
Please bear with me while I make this transition, and please do not leave! I hate losing followers.
I added an older painting to this blog, and to DPW and my Facebook - it is one I do love. And it is available!
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