Monday, January 21, 2013

30 in 30 days - Day 20 - B&W leaves

Acrylic on 9x12 canvas panel
Available through DPW gallery/auction

Black & white study on bleeding heart leaves in the garden. Working without color puts lots of emphasis on values.

Only 10 more days to go in the challenge. I, for one, will be glad when it's over. It has been more demanding of my time than I originally thought, and I will enjoy getting back to painting at a more comfortable pace. There are times I can do a daily painting, and other times, it takes a couple of days or more. Like I said before, if I didn't have the day job and it's long commute, I would have more consistent time on my hands for art. I am so looking forward to the day when I do!


Autumn Leaves said...

Even at the best of times I could not manage a painting in a day. I do not sign up for challenges such as these because I know what I can and cannot do. Unfortunately. You've been doing beautifully though, Nancy. This piece looks familiar...did you do this one before?

kathleen Ballard said...

This is really elegant and beautiful, Nan! Sorry I don't comment more often but I can't keep up with all the painting you do! Wow!

Nan Johnson said...

Thanks Shelly & Kathleen. I haven't had time to respond to people lately. Even got behind shipping out some paintings that were sold. 30 paintings in 30 days is a bit too much for my schedule. Leslie's change to 1-2 paintings a week in February will be better (I hope)!!


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