Saturday, January 12, 2013

30 in 30 days - Day 11 - Snow Crocus's

Acrylic on 3x5 canvas board
Available through DPW gallery

I'm starting to notice that my work is getting more impressionistic with this daily challenge. Since time is so short during the week, I'm going for less & less details. Not that I'm complaining - I think its great! But also, very interesting - how a painting can look without all the lines. 

Done in my favorite purple, Dioxazine Purple (which is very low so on the list to reorder) with leaves of sap green & a yellow-green mix. Snow has the blue tinges in it again, and I layered spots of in thicker to give it a bit of a textured look.

I had fun with this. I have also started a trend on these smaller ones - no sketching! The smaller size, & simpler designs, make it almost unnecessary to sketch it first. Just sat & paint - also fun, and something I have rarely done on the larger pieces.


Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Beautiful snow, but with a sign of Spring! This is a lovely painting, Nan.

Jean Nelson Paintings and Photography said...

I agree, a lovely painting, Nan. I like your more impressionistic style.

Autumn Leaves said...

You are so talented! I love the title of Snow Crocuses. And that purple is gorgeous!

Nan Johnson said...

Thanks Claire - yes, a touch of spring. Too early yet where I live so I live it in the paintings.

Thanks Jean - that impressionistic style is something I struggle with. Always want to grab that small brush & put in the details!

Hi Sherry, thank you for your sweet compliment.


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