Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Birthday Candles - SOLD

Acrylic on 6x12 canvas sheet
Available through DPW gallery/auction

I have wanted to do this scene since I did the "Make A Wish" candle painting back in August of 2011. Blowing out the candles creates such a mixture of items. The flames, some bent, some almost out - some still bright. Some candles already are blown out, but the smoke trails up from the still burning edge of the wick. And such colors on birthday candles, the stripes - I had to put in stripes!

I took this outside to shoot the photo and was amazed at the number of colors I put into the flames, smoke & trails. I knew I was adding color, but this really has quite a bit. Here is a blown up piece of the art:

And speaking of candles, I got a request from someone to do a small version of my "Make A Wish" painting (you can see the original painting here). Since the original was sold, she asked if I would consider doing a 3x5 or 4x5 version with only a few candles in it. I chose to do a couple of 3x5 inch canvas panels with 3 candles on each. I love how they came out, and so did Melissa - she bought both!  Here they are:

I don't often re-do an existing painting, as they often do not come out with the same effect. But this was different enough that I didn't try to match what was previously done (except for color palette maybe). Just goes to show, as Melissa said, it can't hurt to ask!


Karla said...

These paintings are wonderful!! I Love all of the colors!

Autumn Leaves said...

You did an exquisite job on this painting with the flames bending to the breath. Just gorgeous, Nan!

The two smaller pieces with three candles each are also wonderful.

padmaja said...

The smaller pieces are adorable, you did a stunning job on the flame, it is hard to believe they were painted!

Nancy Goldman said...

The variety of color and sense of movement in the larger painting are beautiful. The candle wax in the smaller paintings looks like it's melting. Nice effect.


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