Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Along the Fence - SOLD

Acrylic on 9x12 canvas sheet
Available through DPW gallery/auction

I almost named this "In Celebration of the Greens of Summer" - because that is what this is saying to me. I love seeing all the green, especially after the grays of winter. In Spring, the greens are so much more vibrant - that light green when all the new shoots on the plants & trees come to life. Then in Summer, everything settles down and you get the darker, richer greens of summer.

Mixed in with the greens are the yellows & reds of the wildflowers. One of my favorite lines in the Color Purple is "I think it pisses God off when you walk by the color purple in a field and don't notice it.Well, I think he must feel the same way about all the colors of the season - they are all there to be seen, and enjoyed. You can see the wildflowers, there, growing along the fence. Earth is one giant canvas - you just have to notice.


juliefordoliver.blogspot.com said...

You handled the many shades of green very well. I find green hard to handle so admire seeing it done well

Autumn Leaves said...

Nancy, this is such a gorgeous landscape. I love the touches of color in the flowers too. If I could figure out how to do it, I'd have a whole yard full of wildflowers.


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